Blog Posts

Watching, Waiting for Access in Puerto Rico

January 15, 2019

While some hepatitis C patients stateside are rejoicing at newly-relaxed barriers to curative treatment, those covered by Medicaid in Puerto Rico must watch and wait.

The Orphan Drug Disconnect

January 9, 2019

Decades after Congress passed the Orphan Drug Act, only about 10 percent of patients with rare diseases actually receive treatment with orphan drugs, a new report finds.  

What’s Human Milk Good For?

January 3, 2019

Dubbed “liquid gold,” human milk offers a nutritional elixir for infants.  And that has researchers asking an intriguing question: How else could human milk be used to optimize health?

The Grinch who Stole Medicare

December 7, 2018

In a storyline reminiscent of holiday favorite “The Grinch,” the Trump administration seems to be using the season of giving to plot the theft of something Americans hold dear – seniors’ Medicare, in this case.