Blog Posts

New “Fast Facts” Examines Issue of Co-Pay Coupons

August 2, 2017

Are coupons that help patients afford their co-pays a help – or a hindrance – in the age of innovative but costly prescription medications?  A new “Co-Pay Coupons” Fast Facts from the Institute for Patient Access explores why coupons and co-pay assistance programs remain a source of debate – and how they impact patients’ ability to access the medication their doctor prescribes.

Physicians Collaborate on Medicare Policy for Parkinson’s Patients

July 28, 2017

Most all of us know someone living in a long-term care facility – a friend, a former neighbor, a family member. But not all may be aware of a recent debate about the use of a certain type of medication – antipsychotic medication – for seniors living in these facilities.

Experts Envision “Precision” Benefit Design

July 20, 2017

Health plans often use different levels of cost sharing to drive patients toward one medication over another. But is this practice fair, ethical or effective in producing positive outcomes for patients? The answer, according to a recent National Pharmaceutical Council webinar panel, all depends.

Cancer Moonshot: One Year Later

July 11, 2017

It’s been over a year since the launch of former vice president Joe Biden’s Cancer Moonshot, designed to spur innovation and encourage collaboration on finding cures for cancer.  So now, patients, physicians, researchers and policymakers are pausing to ask: Are we any closer?