Blog Posts

“21st Century Cures” Require Improved Trials Process

July 10, 2014

Innovation, data sharing and public-private partnerships could help modernize clinical trials, agreed witnesses at Wednesday’s “21st Century Cures” hearing by the House Energy and Commerce Committee Health Subcommittee.

The Compassion Question

July 8, 2014

Should seriously ill patients who are running out of time – and have exhausted available medical treatments – have the right to try drugs not yet approved by the FDA?

NY Legislators Embrace Abuse-Deterrent Technology

June 27, 2014

Legislators in the New York State Senate have made a bold move. Amid mounting concern about pain pill abuse, state senators passed Bill 7125, requiring New York pharmacists to dispense abuse-deterrent formulas for opioid analgesic prescriptions.

Cost, Quality Debates Dominate Cancer Policy Workshop

June 13, 2014

How do we go about ”Ensuring Patient Access to Cancer Drugs”? Ethicists, economists, physicians and academics gathered for the Institute of Medicine’s National Cancer Policy Forum Workshop this week to discuss the topic.