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WHO Meeting Looks Forward on Distinguishable Names

October 20, 2016

This month’s World Health Organization Open Sessions with INN Stakeholders explored the value, and the future, of the biological qualifier system. The Global Alliance for Patient Access was pleased to present to WHO officials and an international group of fellow stakeholders.

NCfIH Marks RSV Awareness Month with Release of New “Fast Facts”

October 14, 2016

October marks the beginning of both the RSV viral season and RSV awareness month. The National Coalition for Infant Health is taking the opportunity to release a new “Fast Facts” educational resource on the virus, its impact, and its danger for infants, especially preemies whose health plans don’t cover preventive treatment.

New IfPA Data Support Non-Medical Switching Concerns

October 12, 2016

Preliminary data from the Institute for Patient Access suggest what opponents of non-medical switching have long suspected: having medications switched for financial reasons could be bad news for patients with chronic diseases.

Are New Cancer Meds Worth Their Cost?

September 29, 2016

Innovative but costly anti-cancer drugs have spurred the development of several value assessments and cost frameworks, all designed to explore one question: Do the benefits of these treatments justify their price? Now, new research published in Health Affairs suggests that these treatments may significantly extend the life expectancy of some cancer patients.