
Naming Biological Medicines

May 9, 2019

Patients with chronic and complex conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol and Crohn’s disease are among the many people who…

Biologics Summit Explores “The Value Proposition”

April 12, 2019

Languishing in a hospital bed after surgery for life-threatening Crohn’s disease, San Diego Chargers’ Rolf Benirschke, dangerously underweight and saddled with ostomy bags at only 24 years old, couldn’t see the value of going on.

“I’m Calling about Paul”

February 25, 2019

Paul has been coming to our dermatology office for years.  He has painful psoriasis; after years of trying different medications he finally found one that controls his symptoms.  Then Paul changed insurance companies in the middle of his treatment.

The Cost-Saving Proposal That Costs Seniors $2,000 a Month

February 12, 2019

A Trump administration proposal designed to cut prescription drug costs could actually see some seniors paying $2,000 more each month out of their own pockets, a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests.

The Grinch who Stole Medicare

December 7, 2018

In a storyline reminiscent of holiday favorite “The Grinch,” the Trump administration seems to be using the season of giving to plot the theft of something Americans hold dear – seniors’ Medicare, in this case.