Cost Value

Oncology Value Models

April 1, 2017

Cancer treatment is better than ever before, thanks in part to more effective medications. But these medications often carry high…

How to Achieve Hepatitis Elimination

March 30, 2017

Eliminating hepatitis B and C can be done, experts agree. And this week, a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine answers that thorny follow-up question: How?

Why ICER’s Model Doesn’t Work for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments

February 24, 2017

The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review has issued a draft report concluding that targeted immune modulators, such as biologic treatments, for rheumatoid arthritis are too expensive. The conclusion could embolden health plans to limit patient access. But does ICER’s model accurately reflect the experiences of the 1.5 million Americans with rheumatoid arthritis?

Does ICER’s Model Work for Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments?

February 21, 2017

The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review’s newest cost-effectiveness report underscores just how far economic modeling sometimes diverges from patients’ reality, explained the Institute for Patient Access in a February 17 letter.  The report analyzes rheumatoid arthritis treatments’ value by modeling expenses for simulated patients over a lifetime on certain treatments.