
Are New Cancer Meds Worth Their Cost?

September 29, 2016

Innovative but costly anti-cancer drugs have spurred the development of several value assessments and cost frameworks, all designed to explore one question: Do the benefits of these treatments justify their price? Now, new research published in Health Affairs suggests that these treatments may significantly extend the life expectancy of some cancer patients.

CMS Models Shake Up Cancer Care

July 7, 2016

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Oncology Care Model is off and running. As announced during The White House’s cancer summit at Howard University, more than 200 physician practices and 3,200 oncologists have enrolled – effective July 1.

A Reality Check on Health Care Value Models

June 23, 2016

High drug prices have led to a proliferation of value models that investigate how the United States can control ballooning health care costs. But just how realistic are these models – and their implementation?