Prior Authorization

Should Medicaid Patients be Required to Work?

February 22, 2018

Patients covered by Medicaid in Kentucky and Indiana could soon find themselves in a difficult position. According to new rules, recipients must complete 80 hours of “community engagement” or risk losing their health coverage.

Research Confirms Prior Authorization Burden for Heart Patients

February 7, 2018

New research from the University of Pennsylvania details prior authorization requirements for PCSK9 inhibitors. The self-injected drugs lower bad cholesterol for patients with cardiovascular disease or genetic high cholesterol. Prior authorization allows health insurers to act as a gatekeeper, deciding whether they will cover the medication when it’s prescribed by a patient’s health care provider.

Health Plan Approval Process Impacts Patients, New Video Explains

October 13, 2017

What began as a safeguard against unnecessary drug spending has become a significant barrier to patient access.  And as “Understanding Prior Authorization,” a new video from the Alliance for Patient Access, explains, the process may cut costs at patients’ expense.

Why Patients with Skin Conditions Can’t Get Treated

September 13, 2017

Tens of millions of people across the United States are affected by skin conditions, but not all of them can access the doctors and medications they need. So explains a new white paper from the Derma Care Access Network, an advocacy group that encourages informed policy on access to dermatological care.

Best of Summer 2017

September 1, 2017

Vacation season?  Perhaps.  But summer hasn’t slowed the Institute for Patient Access’ steady stream of physician-led insight on policy issues that matter to patients and their health care providers.

Improving Access to Respiratory Care

August 6, 2017

Respiratory illnesses are pervasive, chronic conditions that exist quietly in millions of Americans. Patients manage their breathing with varying degrees…